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Canada's major colleges and universities have successively released the policy of returning to schoo
Author:canadaboqiao           Time:2021-03-03 17:01:31

In 2020, due to the impact of the epidemic, all colleges and universities have launched online courses. In 2021, as the vaccination of the new crown vaccine continues, all colleges and universities are also actively preparing to release the policy of returning to school in the autumn of 2021, so as to normalize offline teaching.
Christopher Manfredi, Dean and academic vice president of McGill University, announced on February 23 that McGill will resume face-to-face teaching from the autumn of 2021, and that student dormitories will be open in the autumn of 2021, and residential certificates will be provided to all eligible freshmen.
Queen's University, University of Alberta, University of Western Ontario, dalhous University, University of Calgary, University of Simon Fraser, etc. are making active preparations for the smooth entry of freshmen into offline courses in 2021.