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The times higher education world university ranking 2022 has been published. Let's take a look at the selection indicators:
1. Teaching (learning environment): 30% in total
Reputation survey: 15%
Teacher student ratio: 4.5%
Ratio of the number of doctoral degrees granted to the number of bachelor's degrees granted: 2.25%
Ratio of the number of doctoral degrees awarded to the number of teaching staff: 6%
Total university income: 2.25%
2. Research (scale, revenue and reputation): 30% in total
Reputation survey: 18%
Research revenue: 6%
Research productivity: 6%
3. Citation (research influence): 30% in total
The research influence is investigated by obtaining the average number of citations of a University publication by global scholars. The data includes more than 24600 academic journals indexed by Elsevier Scopus database and all indexed publications from 2016 to 2020. We also collected citation data of these publications from 2016 to 2021.
4. International outlook (employees, students, research): 7.5% in total
Proportion of international students: 2.5%
Proportion of international staff: 2.5%
International Co authorship: 2.5%
5. Industry income (knowledge transfer): 2.5%
This category indicates the extent to which enterprises are willing to pay for research and the ability of universities to attract funds in the commercial market - a useful indicator of the quality of universities.
Global top 10 list:
1. Oxford University (UK)
2. California Institute of technology, Harvard University (USA) (side by side)
4. Stanford University, Cambridge University (USA, UK) (side by side)
7. Princeton University (USA)
8. University of California, Berkeley (USA)
9. Yale University (USA)
10. University of Chicago (USA)
For the little partners studying in Canada, the top three pre-school students in Canada are still the University of Toronto, UBC University and McGill University.