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Charming Canada
Author:canadaboqiao           Time:2020-02-19 02:00:55


Excellent education level:
Canada has the world-class education level, perfect education system, high education level, high academic gold content, and is widely recognized in the world. The government attaches great importance to education investment, and the annual education expenditure accounts for about 7.1% of the GDP, which makes Canada's education level in the world leading position.
Studying in Canada can ensure that students get a good education, especially in business and engineering disciplines. In addition, one of Canada's official languages is English. Studying in Canada can learn American English with a very standard pronunciation. There is no pressure for global employment.
The safest country in the world:
Canada is a just and peace loving country, and Canadians are internationally recognized as the most tolerant and compassionate. Canada's welfare system is very perfect, and its crime rate is low. At the same time, it advocates multi culture, many ethnic groups live in harmony, and Canadian people are friendly and enthusiastic. It is the preferred country for Chinese students studying abroad.
Superior quality of life:
In the past decade, Canada has been ranked first in the quality of life survey conducted by the United Nations. The United Nations regularly assesses the health, education and wealth of nationals of various countries through their development index (HDI), and Canada ranks fourth in the world in 2009. In addition to Japan and Iceland, Canadians have the longest life expectancy. On January 23, 2019, U.S. News and world report released the "2019 best countries report". In this list, Switzerland, with its reputation, economic stability and quality of life, ranked first in the total in 2019, Japan second, and Canada third. However, Canada ranked first in the quality of life category. Toronto, Vancouver and Calgary are among the top 10 most suitable cities for human habitation in the world.
Beautiful and elegant country
Canada reaches the Pacific Ocean in the west, the Atlantic Ocean in the East, the Arctic Ocean in the north, Greenland in the northeast, St. Pierre and Miquelon Islands in the East, the United States in the south, Alaska in the northwest. It has beautiful mountains and 2 More than 00 large and small lakes, magnificent Rockies and Niagara Falls are famous all over the world, each with breathtaking scenery.